Irvine Districting Comment

Retrieved June 28, 2023 at 10:53 p.m.

Good evening,
My name is Katherine Karayianis and I am a PhD student at UCI. I am also a proud member of UAW Local 5810 — the union of postdocs and academic researchers at UCI. Many members of our UCI & campus community gathered together to brainstorm our Communities of Interest and collaborate on drawing a map. Our workshop was composed of high schoolers living in faculty housing, undergrads, grad student researchers, teaching assistants, postdocs, junior specialists, academic researchers, student leaders, and union members brainstorming together!
I believe that the UCI campus needs to be in its own district all together and not split up. We are all under the same healthcare, including professors and post-docs, and also have a much lower income than the surrounding Irvine area. Others from UCI, particularly Layne Hubbard, have submitted maps specifying this request. Please take this into consideration, as we are hoping this will help our community and future graduate students.
All the best,
Katherine Karayianis